Practicum Journey

Hello friends,

Today I started by creating a banner congratulating a teenage boy who received a heart transplant! Unfortunately I didn’t get to see him as he was sleeping all day, but its exciting news! Afterwards I worked with an organization who does monthly visits dressed as a character. Last month a woman dressed up as super Mario. Today a man dressed up as a ninja turtle. I escorted the woman and ninja to patient’s rooms as we presented the children with gifts and blew bubbles for them. Its such a pleasure to see the patients enjoy this! One of the patients we visited was receiving therapy in rehab. This teenager is non communicative as he had a stroke and his body needs a lot of support. However he responded to the ninja turtle. Everyone was gathered around watching as he was smiling and flexing his muscles at the turtle. It was such an awesome thing to see.  I then spent time with my 9month old patient Khaleesie. I came at the perfect time as the nurse needed assistance while bathing her. I then stayed and played with her. I was very happy to spend more time with her. Afterwards I helped host the golf activity. Every Tuesday an instructor comes and we recruit patients to join. Its pretty awesome how they adapt as needed for each patient and they children really enjoy themselves. It was a nice day. I am looking forward to seeing and doing more tomorrow.

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